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Image by Vikas Shankarathota

(PSSR 2000)


07885 626 048
01442  913  479


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Assisting coffee machine users and owners with compliance

Once a pressure system is installed i.e. traditional espresso machine, the primary duty for compliance rests with the User.

The Pressure Systems Regulations 2000 (PSSR 2000) apply to a system which stores steam at any pressure, therefore coffee machines with a steam boiler, in a work environment, fall under PSSR. This means that they must have a Written Scheme of Examination and that they must also be examined in accordance with the written scheme.


Before a pressure system is operated the User/Owner must ensure that a written scheme of examination has been prepared.

The Written Scheme of Examination is a document that identifies pressure vessels, all protective devices plus other components that, if they were to fail, could give rise to danger, or through failing cause some other parts of the system to fail.

The Written Scheme of Examination must list the specified items for examination and state the nature and frequency of any examinations, which, in the opinion of a Competent Person drawing up or certifying a Written Scheme of Examination, are necessary to ensure safe operation of the system.


Our CoffeeSafe trained engineer certified by IOSH are here to help the end user by providing a full and through examination of the machine, boiler and components that keep your machine safe. We will provide the Written scheme of examination, when the next examination is due and a boiler safety certificate for your records. 


About IOSH


The Institution of Occupational Safety and Health (IOSH) is the only Chartered body for health and safety professionals in the world.

As the largest health and safety membership organisation in the world, IOSH has more than 44,000 individual members in over 100 countries. The main aims is to maintain high standards throughout the profession and raise health and safety standards in a range of organisations through IOSH training courses.


What is CoffeeSafe?


Consider the impact of a serious accident caused by the failure of a coffee machines steam system. As well as the potential injury to staff and customers, there are financial implications and brand reputation to consider.

CoffeeSafe work in close partnership with industry manufacturers, suppliers and service providers to maintain the safety of traditional espresso and bean to cup coffee machines, and to continually raise industry standards.


The Pressure Systems Regulations 2000 (PSSR 2000) legislation require that statutory examinations are carried out at regular intervals. CoffeeSafe help service providers manage and make good use of this essential legislation, bringing the best quality of service to the end user.

CoffeeSafe draws on over 25 years’ experience in the pressure system industry. We are completely independent - we are not affiliated to any suppliers or insurers, so our advice is based purely on safety and not trying to sell new components or machines.

CoffeeSafe is working hard to proactively improve safety standards. Safety is our business.


* Engineer to site price covers Hertfordshire, North London, Poole & Bournmouth areas only and additional attendance fee is chargeable outside of these zones

**The engineer performing the examination must pass the coffee equipment as safe before a certificate and WSE can be obtained. any machine which fails the examination will be deemed as unsafe to use until further investigation or repair is carried out in line with the engineers report.

FIXED FEE £160.00+VAT includes an engineer to site* who will perform the examination & test of the coffee machine and safety devices, you will then receive via email your written scheme of examination and certificate covering your equipment for upto 12 months**.


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